Overwatch 2 Illari: abilities and skins of new Support hero of OW2 Season 6 leaked

With Overwatch 2 Illari, the mysterious new Support hero making her Season 6 premiere. As per the leaks, Illari has a special combination of skills that have the potential to alter the battlefield and redefine the Support role.

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Overwatch 2 Illari abilities and skins leak 

Blizzard's Overwatch 2 Season 6 is on the horizon, and with it comes a wave of exciting new features and content that is set to revolutionize the game. The highly anticipated Overwatch 2 Invasion update promises to deliver a brand-new story mode, introduce a new support hero, enhance the PvP mode, and much more.

With only a few weeks left until the next season launches, the Overwatch community is buzzing with speculation and leaks about the upcoming hero, Overwatch 2 Illari.

Overwatch 2 Illari: New Support Hero Leak

One of the biggest highlights of Overwatch 2 Season 6 is the introduction of a new support hero. Blizzard Entertainment teased the hero in the Invasion reveal trailer, but the details have been kept tightly under wraps. However, recent leaks have given players a clearer look at the new hero, Illari, sparking discussions and excitement among the community.

An Overwatch 2 player named Stevo shared two images online, showcasing what appears to be the new support hero named OW2 Illari. The images also revealed three legendary skins: Daybreak, Sundown, and Llamas Pajamas. The support icon next to Illari's name further strengthens the belief that she is indeed a new healer in the game.

The leaked render of Illari bears a striking resemblance to the official tease from the Invasion trailer. With her big sword-like weapon and cape in the Daybreak skin, Illari exudes an aura of strength and power.

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Speculations on Overwatch 2 Illari's Origin

On the basis of leaks and other newly discovered information, speculation states that the hero might be Peruvian. Now, why Peru? is the question. That's easy to explain.

The 'Peru' poster that can be seen on the Overwatch 2 Antarctic Peninsula map matches the teaser image/artwork that can be found on the Overwatch 2 Roadmap exactly. Additionally, a map from an earlier Overwatch 2 Blog entry appears to show and refer to the Peruvian city of Arequipa.

Also, interestingly, her name, which means "dawn" or "bright" in Quechua, a language spoken in South American countries like Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia, hints at a potential Peruvian descent for the hero.

The leaked "Llama Pajamas" skin could be a playful nod to Peru, where llamas are often associated with the region's culture. However, the leaked render doesn't reveal any specific details about Illari's abilities, leaving players eagerly anticipating Blizzard's official reveal.

Check Out: Overwatch 2 Season 6 - Invasion release date, support hero, modes, maps, and more

Overwatch 2 Illari Abilities

The Overwatch community is abuzz with speculation about the potential Illari abilities. And Stevo's humorous mention of a healing turret has been a running joke within the community, adding to the excitement surrounding the hero's kit.

However, another Overwatch content creator, Akash, who supposedly had early access to the hero, leaked information about Illari's abilities.

The leaked information suggests that she will have a destructible healing turret and a cooldown-based ability similar to Baptiste's jump, which knocks enemies back. Additionally, Illari is rumored to have a hitscan-like beam that can deal damage or heal depending on the target. Her ultimate is said to resemble Raze's from Valorant, featuring a single rocket that deals damage and applies a debuff to anyone hit.

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Overwatch 2 Illari Release Date

Overwatch 2 Season 6 is set to launch on August 10, which means the validity of the leaks will be confirmed soon enough.

Alongside the hero leaks, some of the new Season 6 skins have reportedly gone online prematurely. Blizzard president Mike Ybarra posted artwork showcasing the Omnic-themed skins before deleting the post. These skins will immerse Overwatch heroes in the armor of their enemies, adding a unique twist to the game.

First Look at Season 6 Skins?
by u/Jibbles2020 in Overwatch

As the launch of Overwatch 2 Season 6 draws near, fans eagerly await Blizzard's official reveal of Illari and the full extent of her abilities. Whether the leaks turn out to be accurate or not, one thing is certain: Overwatch 2 Season 6 is gearing up to be an exhilarating and transformative experience for players.

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