Rainbow Six Siege Kunai leak reveals its look and weapons

Rainbow Six Siege Kunai is seemingly the new operator coming in Y7S1. 

Rainbow Six Siege Kunai, Rainbow Six Siege Kunai operator, Rainbow Six Siege y7s1 Kunai operator, Rainbow Six Siege Kunai weapons, Rainbow 6 y7 kunai
Rainbow Six Kunai leaks

Rainbow six siege is high-precision tactical shooter gameplay. It has launched in the year 2015 and it is under development in many areas such as operators, weapons, and maps. It is rated as M due to its violence and swearing. It means that adults above 10years are allowed to play this game. This game is not going to provide freely as permanent. Rainbow Six Siege is a game that breeds toxicity from its very foundation. Permadeath means if you die for any reason in a round, you lose five minutes of your actual

They made a new announcement as Y7S1 is now set to release. They estimated some time as about 10days to release, but in between, there are some leaks. The players can play the game in solo mode and no need to jump into the multi-player. You can get Rainbow six siege extraction on Xbox one, Epic Games, and Ubisoft connect.

The game is called Rainbow six because many operators belong to various nationalities.

Read More: Rainbow Six Y7S1 - operation, operator, elite, map rework, release date, leaks



Rainbow Six Y7S1 Operator Teaser

This week will see the complete announcement of Rainbow Six Siege's next season, that is Rainbow Six Y7S1, and as usual, Ubisoft will tease us with teasers building up to the big reveal. Recently the devs dropped a sneak peek of the new Rainbow Six Siege operator, clad in a suit and wielding a kunai, similar to what the early Year 7 Season 1 leak revealed.

In the official Twitter post, Ubisoft said, "A blade can sever and stick and scar. A knife can cut or crease or create. Don’t the simplest tools have the most imaginative uses?"

It was stated that the compete reveal of R6 Y7S1 will happen on Saturday, February 19 on the official Rainbow Six Twitch channel, so those eagerly awaiting the new season should look forward to Feb 19 as lots of new details. will be revealed then.



The character is based on real-life hostage events. This is regarded as a hard game to play because you need to learn so much to play. The multiplayer is tough to play. 

Siege is a generic first-person shooter, but it is based (mostly) on facts and real situations. The new players need to play training initially to understand the storyline. Rainbow is very toxic because of the places and anonymity. 

Master the art of destruction and contraption in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six besieging. Face intense shut quarters combat, high morbidity, plan of action higher cognitive process, team play, and explosive action among each moment.

Read More: Rainbow Six Y7S1 operator - Azami, Kiba weapon, loadout leaked


The new release is going to start with a new defender named Kunai. They also have released some primary and secondary weapons of Azami. 9×19 SMG and an ACS 12, are the primary weapons and for secondary D-50 sidearm, the weapon is used. The character belongs to the Japanese mafia operator, and it has been speculated as 2 speed 2 Health Defender. 

Rainbow Six Kunai primary gadget is named Kiba Desc. There might be a change in the map during the six invitational panels of 2022 like towers. While Ubisoft has kept quiet the new contents in year 7. 

Some hackers play the game as players and they are the people who leaked some initial information about the new release.

Rainbow six siege is going to release year 7 at six invitational panels from February 8 to 20 as the biggest event. But the players need to wait till March to test the new features of the year7. Aurélien Chiron said that they are in no way thinking about providing the game to play free to the pc gamers.

Rainbow six siege is a toxic game due to its violence and swearing and children who are under 10 are not supposed to play this game. From the year 2015, the gameplay has expanded radically in all aspects of the game. Rainbow six siege is going to release year 7 at six invitational panels from February 8 to 20 as the biggest event. 

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six blockade is continually ever-changing. every new season brings brand-new content, game-changing operators and talents, in-game events, weapons, and maps.

Whatever be the case, we will keep updating the article whenever new Kiba leaks will be dropping before the next Rainbow Six season.

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