League of Legends 13.8 patch notes - champion buffs and nerfs, skins, release date, more

League of Legends 13.8 patch notes will be revealed completely in a few days, and devs have already given us a preview of what to expect next.

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League of Legends 13.8 patch notes

In the 13.7 update, Annie, Lee Sin, Olaf, and other champions received nerfs while characters like Alistar, Azir, Graves, and others received buffs. Abyssal Mask and Death’s Dance were nerfed also with patch 13.6, although there weren't many champion changes.

The live game is indeed progressing right now as Riot continues to fiddle with all of the significant changes in LoL patch 13.8. With patch 13.8, Riot is focusing on how professional play will appear in MSI 2023, which will be greatly influenced by when the teams arrive in London for their scrims and other events.

Check out the complete League of Legends 13.6 Patch notes below.

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League of Legends 13.8 patch notes

RiotPhroxzon, the lead designer on the LoL's Summoner Rift team gave us a sneak peek at the upcoming LoL patch 13.8 changes on April 11th. As usual, some champions will receive nerfs, while some champions' skills will also be improved by League of Legends Patch 13.8.

This is the final patch that Riot will be able to update before it is locked in for MSI because LoL Patch 13.8 will be the version that the game is played on during the event. While nerfing some of the major solo queue champions like Jarvan IV and Aurelion Sol, League of Legends Patch 13.8 will bestow some bonuses on jungle champions like Nidalee and Lillia.

The developer said in reference to the LoL 13.8 patch, "MSI Patch 13.8! The meta is looking pretty good overall. We're adding a few more champs into the Jungle meta and addressing some weak/strong outliers for Solo Q (ASol, J4, Garen, Janna). Kha'Zix changes from W evolve to Q landed well, but he needs a little more power."

Alistar, Garen, Kog’Maw, and others are among the champions that will be buffed as part of the 13.8 update, and Aurelion Sol, Malphite, Jarvan IV, and others will be receiving nerfs. Moreover, several gameplay systems will receive changes with the LoL 13.8 patch.

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League of Legends patch 13.8 Champions buffs and nerfs

As was already mentioned, the forthcoming patch includes a number of champion buffs and nerfs, and this time around, a few champions are at the top of the list. Now let's look at the champion buffs introduced in League of Legends patch 13.8.

LoL Patch 13.8 Champion buffs:

In LoL Patch 13.8, Riot plans to make a few minor adjustments to the jungle meta in an effort to incorporate them into the meta for MSI. Eleven buffs will be released in this patch. You did hear me correctly. Riot is undoubtedly making every effort to add additional champions to the metagame.

These champions include Nidalee and Lillia, both of whom, in the hands of skillful players, make for oppressive junglers.

The champions receiving LoL Patch 13.8 buffs are:

  • Alistar
  1. R Duration increased: 7 seconds ⇒ 8.5 seconds
  • Ezreal
  1. Base AD increased: 60 ⇒ 62
  • Garen
  1. Base Stats
    1. Base AD increased: 66 ⇒ 69
    2. Base Armor increased: 36 ⇒ 38
  • Janna
  1. W: Zephyr
    1. Damage increased: 70/100/130/160/190 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200
    2. AP ratio increased: 0.5 ⇒ 0.6
  2. E Decay delay increased: 1.25 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds
  • Kha’Zix
  1. Q Base damage increased: 60/85/110/135/160 ⇒ 70/95/120/145/170
  • Kog’Maw
  1. Passive Damage increased: 125-550 ⇒ 140-650 (based on level)
  2. Q Cooldown decreased: 8 seconds ⇒ 7 seconds
  3. E: Void Ooze
    1. Mana cost decreased: 60-100 ⇒ 40-100
    2. Slow adjusted: 20-52% ⇒ 30-50%
  • Leona
  1. W: Eclipse
    1. Bonus armor and magic resist increased: 45/80/115/150/185 ⇒ 55/90/125/160/195
    2. Magic damage increased: 45/80/115/150/185 ⇒ 55/90/125/160/195
  • Lillia
  1. Passive: Dream-Laden Bough
    1. Monster damage cap increased: 50-150 ⇒ 70-150
    2. Monster healing adjusted: 24-75 + 5.4% AP ⇒ 39-54 + 15% AP
    3. Champion Healing increased: 6-120 + 18% AP ⇒ 6-90 + 30% AP
  • Nidalee
  1. Base Stats
    1. Base armor increased: 28 ⇒ 32
    2. Armor growth increased: 4.7 ⇒ 5
  • Poppy
  1. Q Target HP damage: 8% ⇒ 9%
  2. W Bonus resistances: 10% ⇒ 12% (doubled to 24% under 40% HP)
  • Zoe
  1. Pulled from patch

The majority of the list is made up of junglers, ADCs, and supports due to the monotony of the current jungle and bot lane metas.

The list's Alistar buffs and a follow-up Kha'Zix buff are the most notable items. Fans of Kha'Zix were particularly vociferous over the changes introduced with Patch 13.7; many of them thought that the alterations to his Q, W, and ultimate actually amounted to nerfs. Riot is likely to enhance the tweak that was made or another component of the champion's equipment to make up for the fact that his victory rate has remained unchanged.

Additionally, Leona, Alistar, Janna, Ezreal, and Kog'Maw will all receive boosts as part of Patch 13.8. These champions all have pick-rate difficulties comparable to those of the jungle champions on this list.

Other champions, including as Lillia, Nidalee, Poppy, and Zoe, are also gaining buffs in their surrounding areas.

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LoL Patch 13.8 Champion nerfs:

Now on to the Champion nerfs in LoL Patch 13.8. The devs also made public the LoL Patch 13.8 champion nerfs, and the list of affected champions is quite small. The nerfs are aimed at the champions who have all been actively pursuing the offensive for some time.

The champions receiving LoL Patch 13.8 nerfs are:

  • Aurelion Sol
  1. Base Stats
    1. HP Growth reduced: 95 ⇒ 90
    2. Armor Growth reduced: 4.3 ⇒ 4
  • Jarvan IV
  1. Base AD growth reduced: 3.4 ⇒ 3
  2. Q Damage decreased: 90/130/170/210/250 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240
  • Malphite
  1. W: Thunderclap
    1. First auto-attack base damage decreased: 30-90 ⇒ 30-70
    2. Cleave armor ratio: 20% ⇒ 15%
  • Rakan
  1. Base Stats
    1. Base armor decreased: 32 ⇒ 30
    2. Armor growth decreased: 5.1 ⇒ 4.9

Both Aurelion Sol and Rakan have been among the top champions in their respective roles for a few patches. The Star Forger has been swiftly dispatching foes and punishing entire opposition teams for failing to end games early since he drastically changed his gameplay. Whereas, Rakan has just gained popularity due to his playmaking ability and Xayah's resurgence at the top of the ADC metagame, both in solo queue and in competitive play.

In contrast, Jarvan IV emerged as a clear anomaly in the jungle meta inside Patch 13.7 in both solo queue and competitive play, indicating that the champions will likely take a significant hit from these impending nerfs in LoL Patch 13.8.

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LoL Patch 13.8 System Buffs and Nerfs

Well, unlike the champions, we have rather small list of the system's elements changes as only one item is receiving adjustment in LoL Patch 13.8.

System Adjustments

  • Cosmic Drive
  1. Will now start stacking periodically after dealing 1 instance of damage
  2. You will only need to hit an enemy once again after a short time to fully stack the item.

Despite the fact that no items are being buffed in this patch preview, Riot Phroxzon did name Cosmic Drive—a mage item that isn't frequently purchased because there are alternative options—as receiving "adjustments."

On some champions, Cosmic Drive has been a potent item, but it doesn't feel fantastic on others. Riot is making several changes to make it more beneficial to everyone, particularly to the way it applies stacks to proc it.

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League of Legends patch 13.8 skins

The League of Legends cosmetics keeps on coming with each new patch and the same will be the case with LoL patch 13.8.

We got the Cats vs Dogs 2023 skins as the new skin set in patch 13.7, and now we have another set of LoL 2023 skins.

As revealed by devs and leaks earlier, these LoL patch 13.8 skins include the new Dawnbringer and Nightbringer 2023 skins. The LoL patch 13.8 will bring a whole lot of skins including the following League of Legends Dawnbringer and Nightbringer 2023 champion skins:

  • Nightbringer Nasus
  • Nightbringer Jarvan IV
  • Dawnbringer Renekton
  • Dawnbringer Vayne

Riot also shared the new splash art of these skins and a video to showcase them in their new attire.

Nightbringer Nasus

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LoL Nightbringer Nasus

Nightbringer Jarvan IV

Nightbringer Jarvan IV, league of legends dawnbringer 2023 skins, lol dawnbringer 2023 skins, lol nightbringer 2023 skins, league of legends nightbringer 2023 skin splash art
LoL Nightbringer Jarvan IV

Dawnbringer Renekton

Dawnbringer Renekton, league of legends dawnbringer 2023 skins, lol dawnbringer 2023 skins, lol nightbringer 2023 skins, league of legends nightbringer 2023 skin splash art
LoL Dawnbringer Renekton

Dawnbringer Vayne

Dawnbringer Vayne, league of legends dawnbringer 2023 skins, lol dawnbringer 2023 skins, lol nightbringer 2023 skins, league of legends nightbringer 2023 skin splash art
LoL Dawnbringer Vayne

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League of Legends 13.8 patch release date

On Wednesday, April 19th, 2023, the League of Legends patch 13.8 will be released officially to the players. As per the usual time schedule, LoL Patch 13.8 release time will be:

  • 3 AM PT (NA)
  • 5 AM GMT (EUW)
  • 3 AM CET (EUNE)
  • 8 AM KR (Korea)

There can be downtime when the patch begins to roll out and the LoL servers will be disabled for almost 3 hours.

That's all there is to it. Everything we know about the new League of Legends 13.8 patch update and the features it will have. Keep a look at it when it comes out. We'll keep you updated when more information becomes available, so stay tuned.

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